Over 75 million Americans suffer with “bad backs” and 80% of the population will experience back problems some time in their life. Therefore there is a good possibility that at some point in your life you will have a problem with your back. With this in mind George Cunningham, D.C. and Callan Carnahan, D.C., offer you this back quiz.
- Which person is more likely to develop back problems? A) a ditch digger B) an accountant c) a swimmer d) an individual who rarely exercises e) a weight lifter
- Exercise can cause back problems. True or False
- Children almost never have back problems. True or False
- The mattress and pillow you sleep on, your choice of couches and chairs all ultimately affect your back. True or False
- Should you ignore the occasional headaches and back pain or discomfort that eventually go away?
- Good posture is only important to your looks. True or False
- B and D. People who are sedentary and not physically active are more likely to develop low back problems. There is up to 4 times more weight bearing on your low back when sitting coupled with muscle weakness or deconditioning that develops from a sedentary life style.
- Yes. Exercise done incorrectly or in excess of your physical conditioning can be bad for your back. Be sure to follow a sensible exercise program preferably under the guidance of a health care specialist.
- False. Children are as prone to problems of the back and spine as are adults. It is important to have periodic spinal checkups from your child’s pediatrician or chiropractor to detect any possible spinal related problems.
- True. Improper support promotes back problems. Always pick chairs, couches or mattresses with firm cushions. This will help support your normal spinal curves helping to reduce joint and disc pressure.
- No. Never ignore pain of any kind. Pain is your bodies way of letting you know of a possible impending health problem. Typically back problems that develop later in life could have been prevented if these early warning signs had not been ignored.
- False. Good posture is important to your health as well as looks. Proper posture equally distributes your weight bearing as well as prevents your organs from being cramped.
If you are one out of the every four people who will suffer a back problem this year or would like additional information on proper back care call Cunningham Chiropractic, P.C. at 315-445-9941 or visit our office at 210 Old Bridge East Syracuse, NY 13057.